Letter: Thornton for Congress



I have three reasons to support Dee Thornton for the 5th Congressional District Democratic nomination:

  • Dee was a very effective candidate in the election of 2018. She ran a good campaign in a tough district against a well-established incumbent. She got about 44 percent of the vote – an outstanding achievement based entirely on her effort and the efforts of those whom she recruited in a district where Democrats felt without hope.
  • Dee researches issues. She is well-informed and asks excellent questions. I have met with her several times, and, each time I was thoroughly impressed with her focus and capability.
  • As I have heard from all across the district, Dee is able to win support from those who hear her speak. All she needs is a chance.

Dee Thornton knows the people of the district and their concerns. She offers the thoughtfulness and energy that will inspire others to develop new directions and renewed hope.

Morton J. Marcus, Indianapolis
