Boone County to provide recovery and addiction services to inmates


Boone County entered a contract with Integrated Wellness, LLC, and Aspire Indiana Health that will provide recovery and addiction services to interested male and female inmates starting Jan. 4.

Integrated Wellness, also known as InWell, will provide services to the county’s male inmate population, and Aspire will provide services to its female inmate population. Both companies have locations in Boone County and provide myriad therapeutic and mental health services.

InWell has provided services in the county jail for several years. The company’s director, Lynnette Clark, said, the contract will create a new program called the Boone County Intensive Correctional Treatment Program.

“A big thing that (Boone County Sheriff Mike Nielsen) has put emphasis on in the last several years has been continuity of care,” Clark said. “This program is designed that way for two reasons. Both Aspire and InWell are local providers, so since they will have had an assessment inside the facility, upon their release date they will be able to easily continue outpatient service treatment with our respective agencies if they choose to.”

Therapists and peer support specialists will deliver a range services to people in recovery. The curriculum for people entering the program includes psychotherapy in a group setting, daily living skills, recovery plans and relapse prevention, among other services. The program’s curriculum includes several hours each week spent focusing on different subjects, such as dealing with anger or establishing relationship boundaries.

“In addition, we will be providing after-care groups to people who finish these group services so they will be able to stay connected ongoing,” Clark said. “They will go through that phase of treatment, but they can continue to come back as long as they want as alumni to continue to have that support for themselves and also be able to provide that support for people who are going through that phase of treatment in the program.”
