Up until the recent discussions in Current, I had no idea that our school test scores were declining. Did you?
My husband and I moved our family to Carmel in 2001, specifically because of the school system. Through our kids’ K-12 years we fell in love with the Carmel schools. We felt that we could trust the teachers and administrators to do their best for our children. And they did. All those that we saw went above and beyond to care about and teach our children. CCS was a fundamental partner in facilitating my children getting accepted into the colleges of their choice and now successfully beginning their careers.
I assumed that level of excellence was continuing. How could those in charge fail the current students? Some have said the type of testing changed and the scores across the state have declined as well. That may be the case, but why should we accept such substandard results, a grade of F? Parents and the community have placed their trust in the administration with the most precious of all that we have: the children in our community. Looking at the results above, they are failing, and almost half of our school children are paying the price.
Say goodbye to Carmel being ranked as one of the best places to live in the US and a place companies want to relocate to. All parents want the best for their children. We had a well-respected and award-winning educational system that was one of the best in America. We need to see a plan of action for improvement.
Genevieve Ball, Carmel