The Hamilton County Emergency Management Mobile Command Center parked at Coxhall Gardens for Amateur Radio Field Day June 25. Hamilton County amateur radio operators participated in the national Amateur Radio Relay League’s Field Day at Coxhill Gardens, 11677 Towne Rd., Carmel. Ham radio operators demonstrated their skills and service by establishing temporary radio stations in public locations. (Photos by Will Riddell) From front to back, Alex Auvinen, Joe March and Lincoln McCord translate Morse code. Tents set up at field day at Coxhall Gardens in Carmel. Dallas Milem and Shane Booker of Hamilton County Emergency Management. Joe Pereira, left, and Wayne Polakoff work inside a tent. Snapshot: Amateur operators tune into Amateur Radio Field Day 0 By Current Publishing on July 26, 2022 Hamilton County, Carmel Community, Fishers Community, Lawrence/Geist Community, Noblesville Community, Westfield Community Share. Twitter Facebook Pinterest LinkedIn Tumblr Email