Letter: Actions of Moms for Liberty chapter should be a wake-up call



The Hamilton County chapter of Moms for Liberty quoted Adolf Hitler in their inaugural newsletter. The original pages of the newsletter had a quote that Hitler used in a Nazi rally in 1935: “He alone, who OWNS the youth, GAINS the future.”

No group that quotes Nazis should have any influence in our community. Six million Jews lost their lives because of Hitler’s rhetoric and ideals. Now, we have a local group infusing those sentiments back into our community.

As members of the Jewish faith, we are outraged by the actions of Moms for Liberty. But this is just one example of the group’s history of divisiveness.

Members have been a driving force behind the removal of Jewish and Holocaust-themed books from schools. In a Florida school district, Moms for Liberty removed an adaptation of Anne Frank’s diary. Chapters have also aligned themselves with extremist groups like the Proud Boys and have advocated for the removal of education curriculums of sex education, LGBTQ+ issues, mentions of systemic racism, discrimination and “critical race theory.” Quoting Hitler, censoring Anne Frank books and targeting the LGBTQ+ community shows us who Moms for Liberty really is — an extremist hate group.

The actions of the local chapter of Moms for Liberty should be yet another wake-up call to us and serve as a road map in which community leaders, elected officials and community members speak up and act. We all play a role in showing and telling future generations that we won’t stand for hate and bigotry.

Robert and Rose-Marie Goodman, Zionsville
