Learn2Ride bike workshop teaches fundamentals of biking


During one of the many biking events Matt Tanner organizes for the City of Carmel, he observed many children that didn’t know how to ride.

“We had noticed a lot of kids seemed to be too old to be on training wheels,” Tanner said. “It sparked an idea.”

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Learn2Ride organizer Matt Tanner, left, with a student who recently completed the Learn2Ride workshop. (Photo by Edward Redd)

So, in mid-June, he launched the Learn2Ride workshop, which meets Thursdays and Fridays on the outdoor basketball court at Carmel Elementary. Through the program, children as young as 4 have quickly learned to ride a bike independently.

“Out of the six kids (that participated in the first event), we had five that could ride with no training wheels in just two hours,” Tanner said.

The success of the workshop led to it being extended through the end of July. Each class is limited to five participants, with a minimum age of 4 to participate.

Workshop attendees are taught how to bike in four steps, Tanner said. First, training wheels come off and riders familiarize themselves with a bike that doesn’t balance itself. Then they learn how to keep the bike balanced while riding. After mastering balance, pedaling is added.

“It’s baby steps,” Tanner said. “But it progresses fast.”

Classes are full for the remainder of the summer, but Tanner expects the class to be offered again next year.

Learn more about the city’s bike programs at bikecarmel.com.
