Lawrence resident to direct 4th Wall production


The 4th Wall Players is holding auditions for their original adaptation of “Beauty and the Beast: Not Your Parents’ Fairy Tale” at 6 p.m. Aug. 21 and 22 at 5215 David St. in Lawrence.

The play, directed by Lawrence resident Alan Keith, will be performed Nov. 10-12 at Fonesca Theatre, 2508 W. Michigan St., Indianapolis. Keith is a co-founder of Fourth Wall and is a member of its board of directors.

“The most exciting part about ‘Beauty and the Beast: Not Your Parents’ Fairy Tale’ is having the opportunity to see all the creative elements coming together and bringing a brand-new show to life.” Keith stated in an announcement about the auditions. “It’s always our primary goal for our productions to first and foremost entertain the audience. (The) 4th Wall remains a group who is interested in showcasing artists in all aspects and bringing something exciting to the table to encourage non-traditional theater goers to expand their horizons.”

The play has been in the works for years, according to 4th Wall. The script was written and published in 2018.

“I say the show has been in progress for five years, but the concept was really born back in 2012 as one of the writing options we had discussed as a group,” Keith stated. “It ultimately lost out to ‘Frankenstein,’ which worked out for the best as we have now produced that show three separate times.”

According to the announcement from 4th Wall, those auditioning for a part don’t need to bring anything prepared. They will be asked to read sections of the script.

The 4th Wall Players was founded in 2011 by Keith and Josh Gibson.

More information about the auditions can be found at Interested parties may also reach out by email at [email protected].
