Fishers Advisory Committee on Disability makes employment connections 


The Fishers Advisory Committee on Disability works year-round to provide individuals with disabilities in the community with employment opportunities that benefit everyone.

The committee’s employment subcommittee helps employers with resources and knowledge to effectively hire and manage employees with disabilities, while also working with employees to provide support and guidance during the process. 

The committee hosts special events, such as reverse job fairs, and helps connect vocational training specialists with HR representatives to provide a network of potential employees. 

According to the committee, in 2019, 68.7 percent of working-age Hoosiers without a disability were employed, compared to only 20.8 percent of Hoosiers with a disability. 

“We work with individuals who have amazing skills and are great assets to businesses,” Committee Member Chrissy Pogue stated. “We often hear how the students we support bring joy to the culture of the workplace, not just for their co-workers, but to the customers as well. It’s encouraging to see the work of this committee in helping to expand opportunities for students to have meaningful work as they enter adulthood.” 

There are a variety of local resources that potential employers and job seekers in Hamilton County can use to help in their search. For more, visit

