Comedic memoir author Chin to visit Carmel library March 30


The Carmel Clay Public Library will host author and filmmaker Curtis Chin at 1 p.m. March 30 in its next installment of the “Behind the Book” featured author series. 

Chin’s comedic memoir “Everything I Learned, I Learned in a Chinese Restaurant” takes readers through his journey growing up in 1980s Detroit and his experiences at his family’s Chinese restaurant, Chung’s. The book started as a personal project to share his family history but grew into an opportunity to inspire change. 

“I wanted this next generation to know that we had this 100-year history,” Chin said. “But then, as I started to see this political divide happening in our country, I felt like I could contribute to that discussion of trying to bring our country back together.” 

Chin, 55, and his literary agent developed a book proposal to submit to publishers. Managing expectations, his agent prepared him for the process to take a few months. Within the first week, two editors requested meetings and soon after he had multiple offers on the table.

Chin plans to kick off a 24-stop book tour in October, bringing his memoir to Chinese restaurants throughout the U.S.

“There are 24 chapters in my book. I’m going to do 24 Chinese restaurants around the country, and all my conversation partners will be the restaurant owner or the chef or the waiter or one of the kids that grew up in this restaurant, because I want to raise awareness of the challenges that Chinese restaurants have been having,” Chin said. 

Born and raised in Detroit, Chin studied poetry writing at the University of Michigan. It was through the school’s alumni community that Chin connected with CCPL. Carmel resident Shinji “Tak” Takahashi, president of the University of Michigan alumni club of Indianapolis, heard about Chin’s book and reached out to CCPL board member Ranj Puthran, also a University of Michigan graduate, to recommend Chin for consideration as a visiting author. 

Chin lives in Los Angeles and is writing his next book as well as a screenplay inspired by “Everything I Learned.” He is also a filmmaker creating social justice documentaries. 

Register to attend the free event at
