Column: The power of empathy


Commentary by Jeff Worrell

In our recent public meetings, we made it clear that civility goes beyond mere politeness. We illustrated how very polite people can be inconspicuously uncivil. Throughout the next few columns, let’s discuss a few of the traits that embody civility.

While politeness is a good trait and certainly helps, think about how a sense of empathy could help our effort of civility in Carmel.

According to Scott Shute, co-founder and former head of leadership and mindfulness programs at LinkedIn, “The practice of thinking of others builds the empathy and trust so direly needed in our broken and isolated world.”

Empathy allows individuals to truly understand and share the feelings of others, paving the way for more respectful and considerate interactions. By putting ourselves in someone else’s shoes, we can better comprehend the impact of our words and actions, creating a culture of kindness, respect and understanding.

When people practice empathy, they are more likely to treat each other with dignity and compassion, ultimately contributing to a more civil and harmonious society. It is through empathy that we can build bridges, mend divides and create a community where everyone feels valued and heard.

I hope you will join me on the road ahead by first viewing your neighbors’ world from a different perspective.
