Grant applications open for sustainable projects


Boone County Solid Waste Management District recently kicked off its grant program focused on the reduction and proper handling of waste.

The district is accepting applications for grants totaling up to $5,000 to support programs that highlight sustainability, recycling and anything that promotes green living.

Boone County Solid Waste Management District Executive Director Jennifer Lawrence said all nonprofit organizations, schools, libraries, civic organizations, clubs and businesses operating within Boone County are eligible to apply for the community grant program.

The district has a proposed budget to award $32,000 in community grants in 2025.

Past grants have focused on green projects in Zionsville and Whitestown.

“We have had several community grants that have included flag disposal bins at the fire stations (to) amenities made from recycled materials at the Boys & Girls Clubs,” Lawrence said.

Past grant funds were used to support initial studies that brought the Habitat for Humanity ReStore to Zionsville; paid for pet waste stations and other amenities made from recycled materials for the Humane Society of Boone County; paid for recycling bins for the Hussey Mayfield Memorial Public Library, Maplelawn Farmstead, Zionsville Lions Club Park and several Zionsville schools; and supported a case study for local restaurants to utilize compostable takeout containers.

Grants assisted Earth Mama Compost, an Indiana-based compost pickup service, begin a residential subscription-based curbside composting program; created recyclable amenities like garbage bins along local trails; and paid for a pet waste station and water bottle refill station for the farmers market in the Village.

“The district’s community grants were established to set up infrastructure throughout the county to provide better disposal and recycling opportunities,” Lawrence said. “The grant also enables amenities to be purchased made from recycled content effectively closing the loop on the circular economy. The grant request is a simple process that includes a two-page application in addition to a quote for requested items.”

Lawrence said while applicants can request up to $5,000, often the district awards smaller grants, spreading the overall funds to several organizations.

Since 2011, the district has supported 53 local organizations with more than $250,000 in grants.

This is the district’s only grant cycle for the calendar year. Recipients will be awarded funds in 2025.

The application deadline is Sept. 30. Learn more at
