Westfield Police Department moves to merit system


The Westfield Police Department will move to a merit system — a system provided for by state law that holds the department accountable for keeping standards high in hiring and provides for fair and equitable treatment of officers.

The change was introduced Aug. 12 and approved as an ordinance by the Westfield City Council Aug. 26.

“The merit system provides specific rules and procedures for officer applications, hiring procedures, promotions, any kind of discipline, disciplinary hearings, terminations, things like that,” chief of legal Kaitlin Glazier said.

The system creates a merit board made up of five commissioners, including two mayoral appointments, two WPD appointments and one city council appointment.

WPD Chief Shawn Keen said the system benefits the city and department employees.

“My experience in this matter is I’ve worked the past 26 years under a merit system,” he said. “I’ve never known a different way. I think this is a natural progression as we grow as a city. I think we’re the only city left of our size in the county that does not have a merit system.”

Council President Patrick Tamm noted the benefits of the move.

“It does provide a lot of certainty for career growth, and really a variety of protections as well. It really defines a professional career path,” he said.

Glazier said a change in state law means that as of Jan. 1, 2025, the city would be required to utilize a merit system or specifically vote against it.

The ordinance also must be approved by a majority of the active members of the police department before it becomes official.

The Westfield Fire Department already operates under a merit system.
