Opinion: Belonging helps us thrive


Commentary by Jeff Worrell

I walked into the room and I immediately realized I stuck out. I felt like people were staring at me. Not a single other guest was dressed as I was. The food, music, dancing and even the language were unknown to me. I could feel a sense of dread as I realized I didn’t fit in.

A culture of belonging is critical as we navigate the workplace, our neighborhoods, social interactions and our entire city. A community where everyone feels like they belong and can learn from our differences requires awareness to recognize when those around us feel uncomfortable and not included.

In my case, it was just moments before a person in the room could sense my discomfort and made an effort to include me. Her empathy and hospitality quickly had me integrated into the event and feeling a sense of relief. I felt like I belonged, and I was then able to enjoy the richness of their culture.

Belonging is crucial in cultivating civility and a supportive environment where people thrive. When individuals feel valued and connected, they’re more likely to engage in respectful dialogue and support one another. This sense of inclusion encourages open conversations with neighbors and colleagues, breaking down barriers and fostering understanding. This is essential for addressing conflicts and promoting harmony in our diverse society.

Each one of us plays a vital role in promoting a sense of belonging by being willing to step in and include those around us. Belonging is an outcome that will increase our sense of civility.
