Little Star offering new programs for families affected by autism


An applied behavior analysis therapy center in Carmel recently introduced new programs for children and adults.

Earlier this year, the Little Star ABA Therapy Center at 12650 Hamilton Crossing Blvd. introduced the SibShops program and social groups for adults. Little Star serves people of all ages who have autism and related developmental disabilities, offering therapies, activities and programs for families.

Jennifer Baker, Little Star psychological services director, said the SibShops provides extra support for siblings of individuals with autism.

“Their siblings need more help from mom and dad,” Baker said. “So, their sibling probably gets a lot more attention.”

Baker said SibShops offer an environment where children participate in fun activities with relatable peers.

“They can meet other siblings who maybe feel really alone because they’ve never met anyone who has a sibling who goes through the same things,” Baker said.

The program is offered three times a year from 1 to 4 p.m. on a Saturday for ages 6 to 18. Registration is $35 per child or $60 for two children.

Another new service is weekly adult groups that allow participants to learn and practice social skills, such as working to build friendships.

“It’s a mixture of all different concepts that they’re going to deal with in adulthood,” Baker said. “It also allows them to meet other friends who have common interests.”

The adult program is free and open to those 18 and older. Groups meet every Monday from 6:30 p.m. to 8:00 p.m.

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