‘Route 66’ passes through the Studio Theater at the Center for the Performing Arts


The musical “Route 66,” which runs through Feb. 18 at the Studio Theater at the Center for the Performing Arts in Carmel, takes the audience on a lively 90-minute, nonstop road trip from Illinois to California.

An intimate three-person band and all-male cast of four keep the audience engaged and laughing throughout the performance. Creative costuming adds humor. Inventive and often rolling blocking puts the audience on the highway with our travelers as they fall in love with billboards and diner waitresses, take bus rides, race fast cars and encounter interesting locals as they pass through cities. The show marks co-founder of Actors Theatre of Indiana Cynthia Collins’ ATI main stage directorial debut.

Indianapolis residents Tom and Nancy Lange endorsed the show as “good entertainment,” deciding to attend as a fitting birthday celebration for Tom’s recent 66th birthday. Volunteer usher Ron Held of Westfield, who has volunteered for Actors Theatre of Indiana shows since 2015, offers his time in exchange for seeing the shows he wants.

Tickets are available at thecenterpresents.org/tickets-events/events/2324/resident-companies/ati-route-66/
