Red Barn to present trio of comedies


Red Barn Summer Theatre Artistic Director Michael Taylor figures the 2024 season will be full of laughs. 

“It’s a lighthearted season,” Taylor said. “It’s a lot of fun. We went for a season of just pure entertainment where you just sit back and enjoy the show.”

The season opens with the world premiere of “Keep The Change,” a comedy by Frankfort playwright Michael Clossin, set for June 12-16 and June 19-23.

“I love that we are doing an original play,” he said. “It’s done a couple of readings but we are the first ones to stage it. I think it’s a great family show and I think it’s one that will connect with people of all ages. You can never go wrong with a show like that.”

Luke McLaughlin is directing the play at the Frankfort venue.

The second show will be Michael Parker’s “The Lone Star Love Potion” from June 26-30 and July 3-7, with no July 4 performance. Taylor said Red Barn has staged several of Parker’s plays.

“His shows are very silly,” Taylor said. “You can’t overthink them. This is your typical farce.”

Taylor will direct and act in “The Lone Star Love Potion.”

Taylor will direct “Young Frankenstein, The Musical,” which closes the season, July 11-14 and 17-21. Kiara Wood is the choreographer. 

“I saw the original cast on Broadway when it first came out,” Taylor said. “It was very fun but a very big show. Then the West End (in London) did it and changed a few numbers and made it so a smaller theater such as the Barn could tackle it. I saw it at the Mercury Theater in Chicago, and it was an outstanding production. It inspired me to realize we could do it at the Barn.”

The musical is based on the Mel Brooks movie.

Besides several out-of-town performers, there will be several Red Barn regulars performing.

“There are a lot of familiar faces that I think people enjoy,” Taylor said. 

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