Local churches ring in Christmas season


Several local churches are conducting holiday services and events for the Christmas season, including:

Zionsville Christian Church

Zionsville Christian Church will have two additional worship services for the holiday season, according to Communications Director Laura Wilmot.

“The Longest Night” service will be from 6:30 to 7:30 p.m. Dec. 21. “The Longest Night” is a service of hope and remembrance in the ZCC Sanctuary at 120 N. 9th St.

“Coinciding with the winter solstice, the longest night of the year, the service provides an opportunity to honor loved ones and to experience hope during a season that can often be grief-filled,” Wilmot said.

ZCC will also have a Christmas Eve service from 4 to 5 p.m. Dec. 24 with Christmas carols, stories of the birth of Jesus and Communion.

“(The Christmas Eve service) is for all ages in a warm and inviting setting,” Wilmot said.

For more,  visit zionsvillechristianchurch.org.

Zionsville United Methodist Church

Zionsville United Methodist Church, at 9644 Whitestown Rd., held its annual children’s Christmas musical Dec. 9.

“Our annual children’s Christmas musical is where the children of our church tell the story of Jesus’ birth in a unique and creative way,” said Jon Ellegood, director of communications.

Zionsville UMC will also have a 4 p.m. Christmas Eve service Dec. 24.

“All of our Christmas Eve services are open to everyone, but we lean in on making it accessible and fun for children,” Ellegood said.

Ellegood said the service will follow a family preparing their home for Christmas and Santa. It will include lights, Christmas trees, pajamas and cookies.

“Their preparations lead them into a conversation of what it must have been like to prepare for the unexpected arrival of Jesus,” Ellegood said. “The service will feature familiar Christmas carols and candlelight and, as always, makes plenty of room for noisy, squirmy kids.”

For more, visit zumc.org.

St. Francis In-The-Fields Episcopal Church

St. Francis In-The-Fields Episcopal Church, 1525 Mulberry St., will have a children’s Christmas pageant at 3 p.m. Dec. 24.

“It is a full Mass with chaos,” The Rev. C. Davies Reed said. “We sing the first and last verse of every Christmas hymn we can think of, and it is one of our largest services.”

Children will dress as sheep, shepherds, angels and more and walk in as hymns play in the background. Some children will have lead roles, and there will be two narrators.

“Even if kids only show up the day of the pageant, every child is welcome to participate,” Reed said.

The second half of the service will be Mass with Christmas Communion.

For the 24th year, the church will also present a Christmas Brass concert at 7 p.m. Dec. 18. The Indiana Brass Quintet, composed of Indiana Symphony Orchestra members, will perform.

“Our Christmas concert is free to the public, and many community members come,” Reed said. “It is our gift from the congregation to the community.”

At 6 p.m. Dec. 20, St. Francis will have a “Service of Hope” for those struggling with grief during the holiday season. Reed said the service is slower with full candlelight, a cello player and meditations.

“’Service of Hope’ is for (anyone) who needs a safe place,” Reed said. “We all try to be as happy as possible, but some people experience loss, and we want to make sure those folks are taken care of, too.”

For more, visit stfranciszionsville.org.

St. Alphonsus Liguori Catholic Church

On Dec. 16, St. Alphonsus Liguori Catholic Church, at 1870 W. Oak St., will hold a Journey to the Manger event in “first-century Bethlehem.” According to Communications Coordinator Taylor Morrone, the event will include a scavenger hunt, snacks, crafts and a Nativity play.

Christmas Eve Mass will be at the church at 4:30 p.m. Dec. 24 with a 15- to 20-minute prelude by the children’s choir. Another Mass will follow at 7:30 p.m.

Christmas Mass will be at midnight on Christmas Day, Dec. 25, with a 30-minute program from the adult choir prior to the service. Another Mass will be at 10:30 a.m.

For more, visit zionsvillecatholic.com.
